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Kevin Rowlandson edited this page Apr 23, 2021 · 19 revisions

Terraform Module for Cloud Adoption Framework Enterprise-scale

The Terraform Module for Cloud Adoption Framework Enterprise-scale provides an opinionated approach for delivering the core platform capabilities needed to start building Azure landing zones using Terraform. This module deploys the foundations of the Cloud Adoption Framework enterprise-scale landing zone architecture, with a focus on the central resource hierarchy and governance:

Enterprise-scale Landing Zone Architecture

Critical design areas

The module provides a consistent approach for deploying and managing resources relating to the following Enterprise-scale critical design areas:

  • Management Group and Subscription organisation
    • Create the Management Group resource hierarchy
    • Assign Subscriptions to Management Groups
    • Create custom Policy Assignments, Policy Definitions and Policy Set Definitions (Initiatives)
  • Identity and access management
    • Create custom Role Assignments and Role Definitions
  • Management and monitoring
    • Create a central Log Analytics workspace and Automation Account
    • Link Log Analytics workspace to the Automation Account
    • Deploy recommended Log Analytics Solutions
    • Enable Azure Defender


The Terraform Module for Cloud Adoption Framework Enterprise-scale provides an opinionated approach for delivering Azure landing zones using Terraform. Depending on the selected options, this module is able to deploy different groups of resources as needed.

This is currently split logically into the following capabilities:

  • Core resources
  • Management resources

The following sections outline the different resource types deployed and managed by this module, depending on the configuration options specified.

Core resources

The core capability of this module deploys the foundations of the Cloud Adoption Framework enterprise-scale landing zone architecture, with a focus on the central resource hierarchy and governance:

Enterprise-scale Core Landing Zones Architecture

The following resource types are deployed and managed by this module when using the core capabilities:

Azure Resource Terraform Resource
Management Groups Microsoft.Management/managementGroups azurerm_management_group
Management Group Subscriptions Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/subscriptions azurerm_management_group
Policy Assignments Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments azurerm_policy_assignment
Policy Definitions Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions azurerm_policy_definition
Policy Set Definitions Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions azurerm_policy_set_definition
Role Assignments Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments azurerm_role_assignment
Role Definitions Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions azurerm_role_definition

The exact number of resources created depends on the module configuration, but you can expect upwards of 100 resources to be created by this module for a default installation based on the example below.

NOTE: None of these resources are deployed at the Subscription scope, however Terraform still requires a Subscription to establish an authenticated session with Azure.

Management resources

From release v0.2.0 onwards, the module includes new functionality to enable deployment of [Management and monitoring][ESLZ-Management] resources into the current Subscription context. This brings the benefit of being able to manage the full lifecycle of these resources using Terraform, with native integration into the corresponding Policy Assignments to ensure full policy compliance.

Enterprise-scale Management Landing Zone Architecture

The following resource types are deployed and managed by this module when the Management resources capabilities are enabled:

Azure Resource Terraform Resource
Resource Groups Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups azurerm_resource_group
Log Analytics Workspace Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces azurerm_log_analytics_workspace
Log Analytics Solutions Microsoft.OperationsManagement/solutions azurerm_log_analytics_solution
Automation Account Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts azurerm_automation_account
Log Analytics Linked Service Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces /linkedServices azurerm_log_analytics_linked_service

Please refer to the Deploy Management Resources page on our Wiki for more information about how to use this capability.

Next steps

Check out the User Guide, or go straight to our Examples.

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