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Stephen Pascoe edited this page Apr 9, 2014 · 3 revisions
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ESGF Web Front End: Browser Support

The ESGF web portal interface makes use of newer browser technologies to provide the user with a rich, interactive experience. We make use of HTML5 features that are supported across many modern browsers. It is important that the user uses one of the following supported browsers, and upgrades it to a fairly recent version (optimally, the latest version available).

Supported Browsers

  • Firefox 7+

  • Safari 5+

* Please note that Safari has a known bug that prevents it from sending too many certificates when interacting over SSL. This results in some ESGF sites failing to display the login page. If you encounter such a problem, please use Firefox or Chrome. 
  • Chrome 16+

Please note that we currently do _ not _ support Internet Explorer.

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