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Bizley edited this page Jan 7, 2019 · 2 revisions
  1. Install TimeClock using Composer:

    composer create-project --prefer-dist bizley/timeclock timeclock
  2. Prepare virtual host pointing to /public directory.

  3. Prepare configuration for DB of your choice. Place it in /src/config/db.php.

  4. Modify the /src/config/web.php file to change:

    • timeZone (default UTC),
    • language (default en-US; pl translations are provided),
    • components > mailer configuration to actually send emails (needed for password reset),
    • params > company (default Company Name; displayed in footer and other layout places),
    • params > email (default [email protected]; used as the email sender address for emails),
    • params > allowedDomains (default ['']; array with email domains allowed for registration).
  5. Change /public/index.php file to set YII_DEBUG mode to false and YII_ENV environment to prod.

  6. Apply migrations by running in console php yii migrate.

  7. Start webserver and register first account.

  8. If you want to make an account to be admin run in console php yii admin/set ID where ID is DB identifier of account to be set (usually first one is 1).

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