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Library File joiners.scad

Snap-together joiners. To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:

include <BOSL/constants.scad>
use <BOSL/joiners.scad>

Table of Contents

  1. Half Joiners

  2. Full Joiners

  3. Full Joiners Pairs/Sets

  4. Full Joiners Quads/Sets

1. Half Joiners



  • half_joiner_clear(h, w, [a], [clearance], [overlap], [orient], [align])

Description: Creates a mask to clear an area so that a half_joiner can be placed there.

Argument What it does
h Height of the joiner to clear space for.
w Width of the joiner to clear space for.
a Overhang angle of the joiner.
clearance Extra width to clear.
overlap Extra depth to clear.
orient Orientation of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.



half_joiner_clear() Example



  • half_joiner(h, w, l, [a], [screwsize], [guides], [slop], [orient], [align])

Description: Creates a half_joiner object that can be attached to half_joiner2 object.

Argument What it does
h Height of the half_joiner.
w Width of the half_joiner.
l Length of the backing to the half_joiner.
a Overhang angle of the half_joiner.
screwsize Diameter of screwhole.
guides If true, create sliding alignment guides.
slop Printer specific slop value to make parts fit more closely.
orient Orientation of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.


half_joiner(screwsize=3, orient=ORIENT_X);

half_joiner() Example



  • half_joiner2(h, w, l, [a], [screwsize], [guides], [orient], [align])

Description: Creates a half_joiner2 object that can be attached to half_joiner object.

Argument What it does
h Height of the half_joiner.
w Width of the half_joiner.
l Length of the backing to the half_joiner.
a Overhang angle of the half_joiner.
screwsize Diameter of screwhole.
guides If true, create sliding alignment guides.
orient Orientation of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.


half_joiner2(screwsize=3, orient=ORIENT_X);

half_joiner2() Example

2. Full Joiners



  • joiner_clear(h, w, [a], [clearance], [overlap], [orient], [align])

Description: Creates a mask to clear an area so that a joiner can be placed there.

Argument What it does
h Height of the joiner to clear space for.
w Width of the joiner to clear space for.
a Overhang angle of the joiner.
clearance Extra width to clear.
overlap Extra depth to clear.
orient Orientation of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.



joiner_clear() Example



  • joiner(h, w, l, [a], [screwsize], [guides], [slop], [orient], [align])

Description: Creates a joiner object that can be attached to another joiner object.

Argument What it does
h Height of the joiner.
w Width of the joiner.
l Length of the backing to the joiner.
a Overhang angle of the joiner.
screwsize Diameter of screwhole.
guides If true, create sliding alignment guides.
slop Printer specific slop value to make parts fit more closely.
orient Orientation of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example 1:

joiner(screwsize=3, orient=ORIENT_X);

joiner() Example 1

Example 2:

joiner(w=10, l=10, h=40, orient=ORIENT_X) cuboid([10, 10*2, 40], align=V_LEFT);

joiner() Example 2

3. Full Joiners Pairs/Sets



  • joiner_pair_clear(spacing, [n], [h], [w], [a], [clearance], [overlap], [orient], [align])

Description: Creates a mask to clear an area so that a pair of joiners can be placed there.

Argument What it does
spacing Spacing between joiner centers.
h Height of the joiner to clear space for.
w Width of the joiner to clear space for.
a Overhang angle of the joiner.
n Number of joiners (2 by default) to clear for.
clearance Extra width to clear.
overlap Extra depth to clear.
orient Orientation of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example 1:

joiner_pair_clear(spacing=50, n=2);

joiner_pair_clear() Example 1

Example 2:

joiner_pair_clear(spacing=50, n=3);

joiner_pair_clear() Example 2



  • joiner_pair(h, w, l, [a], [screwsize], [guides], [slop], [orient], [align])

Description: Creates a joiner_pair object that can be attached to other joiner_pairs .

Argument What it does
spacing Spacing between joiner centers.
h Height of the joiners.
w Width of the joiners.
l Length of the backing to the joiners.
a Overhang angle of the joiners.
n Number of joiners in a row. Default: 2
alternate If true (default), each joiner alternates it's orientation. If alternate is "alt", do opposite alternating orientations.
screwsize Diameter of screwhole.
guides If true, create sliding alignment guides.
slop Printer specific slop value to make parts fit more closely.
orient Orientation of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example 1:

joiner_pair(spacing=50, l=10, orient=ORIENT_X) cuboid([10, 50+10-0.1, 40], align=V_LEFT);

joiner_pair() Example 1

Example 2:

joiner_pair(spacing=50, l=10, n=2, orient=ORIENT_X);

joiner_pair() Example 2

Example 3:

joiner_pair(spacing=50, l=10, n=3, alternate=false, orient=ORIENT_X);

joiner_pair() Example 3

Example 4:

joiner_pair(spacing=50, l=10, n=3, alternate=true, orient=ORIENT_X);

joiner_pair() Example 4

Example 5:

joiner_pair(spacing=50, l=10, n=3, alternate="alt", orient=ORIENT_X);

joiner_pair() Example 5

4. Full Joiners Quads/Sets



  • joiner_quad_clear(spacing, [n], [h], [w], [a], [clearance], [overlap], [orient], [align])

Description: Creates a mask to clear an area so that a pair of joiners can be placed there.

Argument What it does
spacing1 Spacing between joiner centers.
spacing2 Spacing between back-to-back pairs/sets of joiners.
h Height of the joiner to clear space for.
w Width of the joiner to clear space for.
a Overhang angle of the joiner.
n Number of joiners in a row. Default: 2
clearance Extra width to clear.
overlap Extra depth to clear.
orient Orientation of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example 1:

joiner_quad_clear(spacing1=50, spacing2=50, n=2);

joiner_quad_clear() Example 1

Example 2:

joiner_quad_clear(spacing1=50, spacing2=50, n=3);

joiner_quad_clear() Example 2



  • joiner_quad(h, w, l, [a], [screwsize], [guides], [slop], [orient], [align])

Description: Creates a joiner_quad object that can be attached to other joiner_pairs .

Argument What it does
spacing Spacing between joiner centers.
h Height of the joiners.
w Width of the joiners.
l Length of the backing to the joiners.
a Overhang angle of the joiners.
n Number of joiners in a row. Default: 2
alternate If true (default), each joiner alternates it's orientation. If alternate is "alt", do opposite alternating orientations.
screwsize Diameter of screwhole.
guides If true, create sliding alignment guides.
slop Printer specific slop value to make parts fit more closely.
orient Orientation of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example 1:

joiner_quad(spacing1=50, spacing2=50, l=10, orient=ORIENT_X) cuboid([50, 50+10-0.1, 40]);

joiner_quad() Example 1

Example 2:

joiner_quad(spacing1=50, spacing2=50, l=10, n=2, orient=ORIENT_X);

joiner_quad() Example 2

Example 3:

joiner_quad(spacing1=50, spacing2=50, l=10, n=3, alternate=false, orient=ORIENT_X);

joiner_quad() Example 3

Example 4:

joiner_quad(spacing1=50, spacing2=50, l=10, n=3, alternate=true, orient=ORIENT_X);

joiner_quad() Example 4

Example 5:

joiner_quad(spacing1=50, spacing2=50, l=10, n=3, alternate="alt", orient=ORIENT_X);

joiner_quad() Example 5