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Library File shapes.scad

Common useful shapes and structured objects. To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:

include <BOSL/constants.scad>
use <BOSL/shapes.scad>

Table of Contents

  1. Cuboids

  2. Prismoids

  3. Cylindroids

  4. Spheroids

  5. 3D Printing Shapes

  6. Miscellaneous

  7. Deprecations

1. Cuboids


Description: Creates a cube or cuboid object, with optional chamfering or filleting/rounding.

Argument What it does
size The size of the cube.
chamfer Size of chamfer, inset from sides. Default: No chamferring.
fillet Radius of fillet for edge rounding. Default: No filleting.
edges Edges to chamfer/fillet. Use EDGE constants from constants.scad. Default: EDGES_ALL
trimcorners If true, rounds or chamfers corners where three chamferred/filleted edges meet. Default: true
p1 Align the cuboid's corner at p1, if given. Forces align=V_UP+V_BACK+V_RIGHT.
p2 If given with p1, defines the cornerpoints of the cuboid.
align The side of the origin to align to. Use V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER
center If given, overrides align. A true value sets align=V_CENTER, false sets align=V_UP+V_BACK+V_RIGHT.

Example 1: Simple regular cube.


cuboid() Example 1

Example 2: Cube with minimum cornerpoint given.

cuboid(20, p1=[10,0,0]);

cuboid() Example 2

Example 3: Rectangular cube, with given X, Y, and Z sizes.


cuboid() Example 3

Example 4: Rectangular cube defined by opposing cornerpoints.

cuboid(p1=[0,10,0], p2=[20,30,30]);

cuboid() Example 4

Example 5: Rectangular cube with chamferred edges and corners.

cuboid([30,40,50], chamfer=5);

cuboid() Example 5

Example 6: Rectangular cube with chamferred edges, without trimmed corners.

cuboid([30,40,50], chamfer=5, trimcorners=false);

cuboid() Example 6

Example 7: Rectangular cube with rounded edges and corners.

cuboid([30,40,50], fillet=10);

cuboid() Example 7

Example 8: Rectangular cube with rounded edges, without trimmed corners.

cuboid([30,40,50], fillet=10, trimcorners=false);

cuboid() Example 8

Example 9: Rectangular cube with only some edges chamferred.

cuboid([30,40,50], chamfer=5, edges=EDGE_TOP_FR+EDGE_TOP_RT+EDGE_FR_RT, $fn=24);

cuboid() Example 9

Example 10: Rectangular cube with only some edges rounded.

cuboid([30,40,50], fillet=5, edges=EDGE_TOP_FR+EDGE_TOP_RT+EDGE_FR_RT, $fn=24);

cuboid() Example 10


Description: Creates a cube that spans the X, Y, and Z ranges given.

Argument What it does
xspan [min, max] X axis range.
yspan [min, max] Y axis range.
zspan [min, max] Z axis range.


span_cube([0,15], [5,10], [0, 10]);

span_cube() Example



  • leftcube(size);

Description: Makes a cube that is aligned on the left side of the origin.

Argument What it does
size The size of the cube to make.



leftcube() Example



  • rightcube(size);

Description: Makes a cube that is aligned on the right side of the origin.

Argument What it does
size The size of the cube to make.



rightcube() Example



  • fwdcube(size);

Description: Makes a cube that is aligned on the front side of the origin.

Argument What it does
size The size of the cube to make.



fwdcube() Example



  • backcube(size);

Description: Makes a cube that is aligned on the front side of the origin.

Argument What it does
size The size of the cube to make.



backcube() Example



  • downcube(size);

Description: Makes a cube that is aligned on the bottom side of the origin.

Argument What it does
size The size of the cube to make.



downcube() Example



  • upcube(size);

Description: Makes a cube that is aligned on the top side of the origin.

Argument What it does
size The size of the cube to make.



upcube() Example

2. Prismoids



  • prismoid(size1, size2, h, [shift], [orient], [align|center]);

Description: Creates a rectangular prismoid shape.

Argument What it does
size1 [width, length] of the axis-negative end of the prism.
size2 [width, length] of the axis-positive end of the prism.
h Height of the prism.
shift [x, y] amount to shift the center of the top with respect to the center of the bottom.
orient Orientation of the prismoid. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Z.
align Alignment of the prismoid by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ALIGN_POS.
center If given, overrides align. A true value sets align=V_CENTER, false sets align=ALIGN_POS.

Example 1: Rectangular Pyramid

prismoid(size1=[40,40], size2=[0,0], h=20);

prismoid() Example 1

Example 2: Prism

prismoid(size1=[40,40], size2=[0,40], h=20);

prismoid() Example 2

Example 3: Truncated Pyramid

prismoid(size1=[35,50], size2=[20,30], h=20);

prismoid() Example 3

Example 4: Wedge

prismoid(size1=[60,35], size2=[30,0], h=30);

prismoid() Example 4

Example 5: Truncated Tetrahedron

prismoid(size1=[10,40], size2=[40,10], h=40);

prismoid() Example 5

Example 6: Inverted Truncated Pyramid

prismoid(size1=[15,5], size2=[30,20], h=20);

prismoid() Example 6

Example 7: Right Prism

prismoid(size1=[30,60], size2=[0,60], shift=[-15,0], h=30);

prismoid() Example 7

Example 8: Shifting/Skewing

prismoid(size1=[50,30], size2=[20,20], h=20, shift=[15,5]);

prismoid() Example 8


Description: Creates a rectangular prismoid shape with rounded vertical edges.

Argument What it does
size1 [width, length] of the bottom of the prism.
size2 [width, length] of the top of the prism.
h Height of the prism.
r radius of vertical edge fillets.
r1 radius of vertical edge fillets at bottom.
r2 radius of vertical edge fillets at top.
shift [x, y] amount to shift the center of the top with respect to the center of the bottom.
orient Orientation of the prismoid. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Z.
align Alignment of the prismoid by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_UP.
center vertically center the prism. Overrides align.

Example 1: Rounded Pyramid

rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,40], size2=[0,0], h=25, r=5);

rounded_prismoid() Example 1

Example 2: Centered Rounded Pyramid

rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,40], size2=[0,0], h=25, r=5, center=true);

rounded_prismoid() Example 2

Example 3: Disparate Top and Bottom Radii

rounded_prismoid(size1=[40,60], size2=[40,60], h=20, r1=3, r2=10, $fn=24);

rounded_prismoid() Example 3

Example 4: Shifting/Skewing

rounded_prismoid(size1=[50,30], size2=[20,20], h=20, shift=[15,5], r=5);

rounded_prismoid() Example 4



  • right_triangle(size, [orient], [align|center]);

Description: Creates a 3D right triangular prism.

Argument What it does
size [width, thickness, height]
orient The axis to place the hypotenuse along. Only accepts ORIENT_X, ORIENT_Y, or ORIENT_Z from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align The side of the origin to align to. Use V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_UP+V_BACK+V_RIGHT.
center If given, overrides align. A true value sets align=V_CENTER, false sets align=V_UP+V_BACK+V_RIGHT.

Example 1: Centered

right_triangle([60, 10, 40], center=true);

right_triangle() Example 1

Example 2: Non-Centered

right_triangle([60, 10, 40]);

right_triangle() Example 2

3. Cylindroids


Normal Cylinders:

  • cyl(l|h, r|d, [circum], [realign], [orient], [align], [center]);
  • cyl(l|h, r1|d1, r2/d2, [circum], [realign], [orient], [align], [center]);

Chamferred Cylinders:

  • cyl(l|h, r|d, chamfer, [chamfang], [from_end], [circum], [realign], [orient], [align], [center]);
  • cyl(l|h, r|d, chamfer1, [chamfang1], [from_end], [circum], [realign], [orient], [align], [center]);
  • cyl(l|h, r|d, chamfer2, [chamfang2], [from_end], [circum], [realign], [orient], [align], [center]);
  • cyl(l|h, r|d, chamfer1, chamfer2, [chamfang1], [chamfang2], [from_end], [circum], [realign], [orient], [align], [center]);

Rounded/Filleted Cylinders:

  • cyl(l|h, r|d, fillet, [circum], [realign], [orient], [align], [center]);
  • cyl(l|h, r|d, fillet1, [circum], [realign], [orient], [align], [center]);
  • cyl(l|h, r|d, fillet2, [circum], [realign], [orient], [align], [center]);
  • cyl(l|h, r|d, fillet1, fillet2, [circum], [realign], [orient], [align], [center]);

Description: Creates cylinders in various alignments and orientations, with optional fillets and chamfers. You can use r and l interchangably, and all variants allow specifying size by either r|d, or r1|d1 and r2|d2. Note that that chamfers and fillets cannot cross the midpoint of the cylinder's length.

Argument What it does
l / h Length of cylinder along oriented axis. (Default: 1.0)
r Radius of cylinder.
r1 Radius of the negative (X-, Y-, Z-) end of cylinder.
r2 Radius of the positive (X+, Y+, Z+) end of cylinder.
d Diameter of cylinder.
d1 Diameter of the negative (X-, Y-, Z-) end of cylinder.
d2 Diameter of the positive (X+, Y+, Z+) end of cylinder.
circum If true, cylinder should circumscribe the circle of the given size. Otherwise inscribes. Default: false
chamfer The size of the chamfers on the ends of the cylinder. Default: none.
chamfer1 The size of the chamfer on the axis-negative end of the cylinder. Default: none.
chamfer2 The size of the chamfer on the axis-positive end of the cylinder. Default: none.
chamfang The angle in degrees of the chamfers on the ends of the cylinder.
chamfang1 The angle in degrees of the chamfer on the axis-negative end of the cylinder.
chamfang2 The angle in degrees of the chamfer on the axis-positive end of the cylinder.
from_end If true, chamfer is measured from the end of the cylinder, instead of inset from the edge. Default: false.
fillet The radius of the fillets on the ends of the cylinder. Default: none.
fillet1 The radius of the fillet on the axis-negative end of the cylinder.
fillet2 The radius of the fillet on the axis-positive end of the cylinder.
realign If true, rotate the cylinder by half the angle of one face.
orient Orientation of the cylinder. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: vertical.
align Alignment of the cylinder. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: centered.
center If given, overrides align. A true value sets align=V_CENTER, false sets align=ALIGN_POS.

Example 1: By Radius

xdistribute(30) {
    cyl(l=40, r=10);
    cyl(l=40, r1=10, r2=5);

cyl() Example 1

Example 2: By Diameter

xdistribute(30) {
    cyl(l=40, d=25);
    cyl(l=40, d1=25, d2=10);

cyl() Example 2

Example 3: Chamferring

xdistribute(60) {
    // Shown Left to right.
    cyl(l=40, d=40, chamfer=7);  // Default chamfang=45
    cyl(l=40, d=40, chamfer=7, chamfang=30, from_end=false);
    cyl(l=40, d=40, chamfer=7, chamfang=30, from_end=true);

cyl() Example 3

Example 4: Rounding/Filleting

cyl(l=40, d=40, fillet=10);

cyl() Example 4

Example 5: Heterogenous Chamfers and Fillets

ydistribute(80) {
    // Shown Front to Back.
    cyl(l=40, d=40, fillet1=15, orient=ORIENT_X);
    cyl(l=40, d=40, chamfer2=5, orient=ORIENT_X);
    cyl(l=40, d=40, chamfer1=12, fillet2=10, orient=ORIENT_X);

cyl() Example 5

Example 6: Putting it all together

cyl(l=40, d1=25, d2=15, chamfer1=10, chamfang1=30, from_end=true, fillet2=5);

cyl() Example 6



  • downcyl(l|h, r|d);
  • downcyl(l|h, r1|d1, r2|d2);

Description: Creates a cylinder aligned below the origin.

Argument What it does
l / h Length of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
r Radius of cylinder.
r1 Bottom radius of cylinder.
r2 Top radius of cylinder.
d Diameter of cylinder. (use instead of r)
d1 Bottom diameter of cylinder.
d2 Top diameter of cylinder.

Example 1: Cylinder

downcyl(r=20, h=40);

downcyl() Example 1

Example 2: Cone

downcyl(r1=10, r2=20, h=40);

downcyl() Example 2



  • xcyl(l|h, r|d, [align|center]);
  • xcyl(l|h, r1|d1, r2|d2, [align|center]);

Description: Creates a cylinder oriented along the X axis.

Argument What it does
l / h Length of cylinder along oriented axis. (Default: 1.0)
r Radius of cylinder.
r1 Optional radius of left (X-) end of cylinder.
r2 Optional radius of right (X+) end of cylinder.
d Optional diameter of cylinder. (use instead of r)
d1 Optional diameter of left (X-) end of cylinder.
d2 Optional diameter of right (X+) end of cylinder.
align The side of the origin to align to. Use V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER
center If given, overrides align. A true value sets align=V_CENTER, false sets align=ALIGN_POS.

Example 1: By Radius

ydistribute(50) {
    xcyl(l=35, r=10);
    xcyl(l=35, r1=15, r2=5);

xcyl() Example 1

Example 2: By Diameter

ydistribute(50) {
    xcyl(l=35, d=20);
    xcyl(l=35, d1=30, d2=10);

xcyl() Example 2



  • ycyl(l|h, r|d, [align|center]);
  • ycyl(l|h, r1|d1, r2|d2, [align|center]);

Description: Creates a cylinder oriented along the Y axis.

Argument What it does
l / h Length of cylinder along oriented axis. (Default: 1.0)
r Radius of cylinder.
r1 Radius of front (Y-) end of cone.
r2 Radius of back (Y+) end of one.
d Diameter of cylinder.
d1 Diameter of front (Y-) end of one.
d2 Diameter of back (Y+) end of one.
align The side of the origin to align to. Use V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER
center Overrides align if given. If true, align=V_CENTER, if false, align=ALIGN_POS.

Example 1: By Radius

xdistribute(50) {
    ycyl(l=35, r=10);
    ycyl(l=35, r1=15, r2=5);

ycyl() Example 1

Example 2: By Diameter

xdistribute(50) {
    ycyl(l=35, d=20);
    ycyl(l=35, d1=30, d2=10);

ycyl() Example 2



  • zcyl(l|h, r|d, [align|center]);
  • zcyl(l|h, r1|d1, r2|d2, [align|center]);

Description: Creates a cylinder oriented along the Z axis.

Argument What it does
l / h Length of cylinder along oriented axis. (Default: 1.0)
r Radius of cylinder.
r1 Radius of front (Y-) end of cone.
r2 Radius of back (Y+) end of one.
d Diameter of cylinder.
d1 Diameter of front (Y-) end of one.
d2 Diameter of back (Y+) end of one.
align The side of the origin to align to. Use V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER
center Overrides align if given. If true, align=V_CENTER, if false, align=ALIGN_POS.

Example 1: By Radius

xdistribute(50) {
    zcyl(l=35, r=10);
    zcyl(l=35, r1=15, r2=5);

zcyl() Example 1

Example 2: By Diameter

xdistribute(50) {
    zcyl(l=35, d=20);
    zcyl(l=35, d1=30, d2=10);

zcyl() Example 2



  • tube(h, ir|id, wall, [realign], [orient], [align]);
  • tube(h, or|od, wall, [realign], [orient], [align]);
  • tube(h, ir|id, or|od, [realign], [orient], [align]);
  • tube(h, ir1|id1, ir2|id2, wall, [realign], [orient], [align]);
  • tube(h, or1|od1, or2|od2, wall, [realign], [orient], [align]);
  • tube(h, ir1|id1, ir2|id2, or1|od1, or2|od2, [realign], [orient], [align]);

Description: Makes a hollow tube with the given outer size and wall thickness.

Argument What it does
h height of tube. (Default: 1)
or Outer radius of tube.
or1 Outer radius of bottom of tube. (Default: value of r)
or2 Outer radius of top of tube. (Default: value of r)
od Outer diameter of tube.
od1 Outer diameter of bottom of tube.
od2 Outer diameter of top of tube.
wall horizontal thickness of tube wall. (Default 0.5)
ir Inner radius of tube.
ir1 Inner radius of bottom of tube.
ir2 Inner radius of top of tube.
id Inner diameter of tube.
id1 Inner diameter of bottom of tube.
id2 Inner diameter of top of tube.
realign If true, rotate the tube by half the angle of one face.
orient Orientation of the tube. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: vertical.
align Alignment of the tube. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ALIGN_POS.
center Overrides align if given. If true, align=V_CENTER, if false, align=ALIGN_POS.

Example 1: These all Produce the Same Tube

tube(h=30, or=40, wall=5);
tube(h=30, ir=35, wall=5);
tube(h=30, or=40, ir=35);
tube(h=30, od=80, id=70);

tube() Example 1

Example 2: These all Produce the Same Conical Tube

tube(h=30, or1=40, or2=25, wall=5);
tube(h=30, ir1=35, or2=20, wall=5);
tube(h=30, or1=40, or2=25, ir1=35, ir2=20);

tube() Example 2

Example 3: Circular Wedge

tube(h=30, or1=40, or2=30, ir1=20, ir2=30);

tube() Example 3



  • torus(r|d, r2|d2, [orient], [align]);
  • torus(or|od, ir|id, [orient], [align]);
Argument What it does
r major radius of torus ring. (use with of 'r2', or 'd2')
r2 minor radius of torus ring. (use with of 'r', or 'd')
d major diameter of torus ring. (use with of 'r2', or 'd2')
d2 minor diameter of torus ring. (use with of 'r', or 'd')
or outer radius of the torus. (use with 'ir', or 'id')
ir inside radius of the torus. (use with 'or', or 'od')
od outer diameter of the torus. (use with 'ir' or 'id')
id inside diameter of the torus. (use with 'or' or 'od')
orient Orientation of the torus. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Z.
align Alignment of the torus. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.


// These all produce the same torus.
torus(r=22.5, r2=7.5);
torus(d=45, d2=15);
torus(or=30, ir=15);
torus(od=60, id=30);

torus() Example

4. Spheroids



  • staggered_sphere(r|d, [circum])

Description: An alternate construction to the standard sphere() built-in, with different triangulation.

Argument What it does
r Radius of the sphere.
d Diameter of the sphere.
circum If true, circumscribes the perfect sphere of the given size.


staggered_sphere(d=100, circum=true, $fn=10);

staggered_sphere() Example

5. 3D Printing Shapes



  • teardrop2d(r|d, [ang], [cap_h]);

Description: Makes a 2D teardrop shape. Useful for extruding into 3D printable holes.

Argument What it does
r radius of circular part of teardrop. (Default: 1)
d diameter of spherical portion of bottom. (Use instead of r)
ang angle of hat walls from the Y axis. (Default: 45 degrees)
cap_h if given, height above center where the shape will be truncated.

Example 1: Typical Shape

teardrop2d(r=30, ang=30);

teardrop2d() Example 1

Example 2: Crop Cap

teardrop2d(r=30, ang=30, cap_h=40);

teardrop2d() Example 2

Example 3: Close Crop

teardrop2d(r=30, ang=30, cap_h=20);

teardrop2d() Example 3



  • teardrop(r|d, l|h, [ang], [cap_h], [orient], [align])

Description: Makes a teardrop shape in the XZ plane. Useful for 3D printable holes.

Argument What it does
r Radius of circular part of teardrop. (Default: 1)
d Diameter of circular portion of bottom. (Use instead of r)
l Thickness of teardrop. (Default: 1)
ang Angle of hat walls from the Z axis. (Default: 45 degrees)
cap_h If given, height above center where the shape will be truncated.
orient Orientation of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example 1: Typical Shape

teardrop(r=30, h=10, ang=30);

teardrop() Example 1

Example 2: Crop Cap

teardrop(r=30, h=10, ang=30, cap_h=40);

teardrop() Example 2

Example 3: Close Crop

teardrop(r=30, h=10, ang=30, cap_h=20);

teardrop() Example 3



  • onion(r|d, [maxang], [cap_h], [orient], [align]);

Description: Creates a sphere with a conical hat, to make a 3D teardrop.

Argument What it does
r radius of spherical portion of the bottom. (Default: 1)
d diameter of spherical portion of bottom.
cap_h height above sphere center to truncate teardrop shape.
maxang angle of cone on top from vertical.
orient Orientation of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example 1: Typical Shape

onion(r=30, maxang=30);

onion() Example 1

Example 2: Crop Cap

onion(r=30, maxang=30, cap_h=40);

onion() Example 2

Example 3: Close Crop

onion(r=30, maxang=30, cap_h=20);

onion() Example 3



  • narrowing_strut(w, l, wall, [ang], [orient], [align]);

Description: Makes a rectangular strut with the top side narrowing in a triangle. The shape created may be likened to an extruded home plate from baseball. This is useful for constructing parts that minimize the need to support overhangs.

Argument What it does
w Width (thickness) of the strut.
l Length of the strut.
wall height of rectangular portion of the strut.
ang angle that the trianglar side will converge at.
orient Orientation of the length axis of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.


narrowing_strut(w=10, l=100, wall=5, ang=30);

narrowing_strut() Example



  • thinning_wall(h, l, thick, [ang], [strut], [wall], [orient], [align]);

Description: Makes a rectangular wall which thins to a smaller width in the center, with angled supports to prevent critical overhangs.

Argument What it does
h height of wall.
l length of wall. If given as a vector of two numbers, specifies bottom and top lengths, respectively.
thick thickness of wall.
ang maximum overhang angle of diagonal brace.
strut the width of the diagonal brace.
wall the thickness of the thinned portion of the wall.
orient Orientation of the length axis of the wall. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_X.
align Alignment of the shape. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example 1: Typical Shape

thinning_wall(h=50, l=80, thick=4);

thinning_wall() Example 1

Example 2: Trapezoidal

thinning_wall(h=50, l=[80,50], thick=4);

thinning_wall() Example 2



  • braced_thinning_wall(h, l, thick, [ang], [strut], [wall], [orient], [align]);

Description: Makes a rectangular wall with cross-bracing, which thins to a smaller width in the center, with angled supports to prevent critical overhangs.

Argument What it does
h height of wall.
l length of wall.
thick thickness of wall.
ang maximum overhang angle of diagonal brace.
strut the width of the diagonal brace.
wall the thickness of the thinned portion of the wall.
orient Orientation of the length axis of the wall. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example: Typical Shape

braced_thinning_wall(h=50, l=100, thick=5);

braced_thinning_wall() Example



  • thinning_triangle(h, l, thick, [ang], [strut], [wall], [diagonly], [orient], [align|center]);

Description: Makes a triangular wall with thick edges, which thins to a smaller width in the center, with angled supports to prevent critical overhangs.

Argument What it does
h height of wall.
l length of wall.
thick thickness of wall.
ang maximum overhang angle of diagonal brace.
strut the width of the diagonal brace.
wall the thickness of the thinned portion of the wall.
diagonly boolean, which denotes only the diagonal side (hypotenuse) should be thick.
orient Orientation of the length axis of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.
center If true, centers shape. If false, overrides align with V_UP+V_BACK.

Example 1: Centered

thinning_triangle(h=50, l=80, thick=4, ang=30, strut=5, wall=2, center=true);

thinning_triangle() Example 1

Example 2: All Braces

thinning_triangle(h=50, l=80, thick=4, ang=30, strut=5, wall=2, center=false);

thinning_triangle() Example 2

Example 3: Diagonal Brace Only

thinning_triangle(h=50, l=80, thick=4, ang=30, strut=5, wall=2, diagonly=true, center=false);

thinning_triangle() Example 3



  • sparse_strut(h, l, thick, [strut], [maxang], [max_bridge], [orient], [align])

Description: Makes an open rectangular strut with X-shaped cross-bracing, designed to reduce the need for support material in 3D printing.

Argument What it does
h height of strut wall.
l length of strut wall.
thick thickness of strut wall.
maxang maximum overhang angle of cross-braces.
max_bridge maximum bridging distance between cross-braces.
strut the width of the cross-braces.
orient Orientation of the length axis of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example 1: Typical Shape

sparse_strut(h=40, l=100, thick=3);

sparse_strut() Example 1

Example 2: Thinner Strut

sparse_strut(h=40, l=100, thick=3, strut=2);

sparse_strut() Example 2

Example 3: Larger maxang

sparse_strut(h=40, l=100, thick=3, strut=2, maxang=45);

sparse_strut() Example 3

Example 4: Longer max_bridge

sparse_strut(h=40, l=100, thick=3, strut=2, maxang=45, max_bridge=30);

sparse_strut() Example 4



  • sparse_strut3d(h, w, l, [thick], [maxang], [max_bridge], [strut], [orient], [align]);

Description: Makes an open rectangular strut with X-shaped cross-bracing, designed to reduce the need for support material in 3D printing.

Argument What it does
h Z size of strut.
w X size of strut.
l Y size of strut.
thick thickness of strut walls.
maxang maximum overhang angle of cross-braces.
max_bridge maximum bridging distance between cross-braces.
strut the width of the cross-braces.
orient Orientation of the length axis of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example 1: Typical Shape

sparse_strut3d(h=30, w=30, l=100);

sparse_strut3d() Example 1

Example 2: Thinner strut

sparse_strut3d(h=30, w=30, l=100, strut=2);

sparse_strut3d() Example 2

Example 3: Larger maxang

sparse_strut3d(h=30, w=30, l=100, strut=2, maxang=50);

sparse_strut3d() Example 3

Example 4: Smaller max_bridge

sparse_strut3d(h=30, w=30, l=100, strut=2, maxang=50, max_bridge=20);

sparse_strut3d() Example 4



  • corrugated_wall(h, l, thick, [strut], [wall], [orient], [align]);

Description: Makes a corrugated wall which relieves contraction stress while still providing support strength. Designed with 3D printing in mind.

Argument What it does
h height of strut wall.
l length of strut wall.
thick thickness of strut wall.
strut the width of the cross-braces.
wall thickness of corrugations.
orient Orientation of the length axis of the shape. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Y.
align Alignment of the shape. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example 1: Typical Shape

corrugated_wall(h=50, l=100);

corrugated_wall() Example 1

Example 2: Wider Strut

corrugated_wall(h=50, l=100, strut=8);

corrugated_wall() Example 2

Example 3: Thicker Wall

corrugated_wall(h=50, l=100, strut=8, wall=3);

corrugated_wall() Example 3

6. Miscellaneous


Description: Useful when you MUST pass a child to a module, but you want it to be nothing.


Description: Passes through the children passed to it, with no action at all. Useful while debugging when you want to replace a command.



  • pie_slice(ang, l|h, r|d, [orient], [align|center]);
  • pie_slice(ang, l|h, r1|d1, r2|d2, [orient], [align|center]);

Description: Creates a pie slice shape.

Argument What it does
ang pie slice angle in degrees.
h height of pie slice.
r radius of pie slice.
r1 bottom radius of pie slice.
r2 top radius of pie slice.
d diameter of pie slice.
d1 bottom diameter of pie slice.
d2 top diameter of pie slice.
orient Orientation of the pie slice. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Z.
align Alignment of the pie slice. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.
center If given, overrides align. A true value sets align=V_CENTER, false sets align=ALIGN_POS.

Example 1: Cylindrical Pie Slice

pie_slice(ang=45, l=20, r=30);

pie_slice() Example 1

Example 2: Conical Pie Slice

pie_slice(ang=60, l=20, d1=50, d2=70);

pie_slice() Example 2



  • interior_fillet(l, r, [ang], [overlap], [orient], [align]);

Description: Creates a shape that can be unioned into a concave joint between two faces, to fillet them. Center this part along the concave edge to be chamferred and union it in.

Argument What it does
l length of edge to fillet.
r radius of fillet.
ang angle between faces to fillet.
overlap overlap size for unioning with faces.
orient Orientation of the fillet. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_X.
align Alignment of the fillet. Use the V_ or ALIGN_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.

Example 1:

union() {
    translate([0,2,-4]) upcube([20, 4, 24]);
    translate([0,-10,-4]) upcube([20, 20, 4]);
    color("green") interior_fillet(l=20, r=10, orient=ORIENT_XNEG);

interior_fillet() Example 1

Example 2:

interior_fillet(l=40, r=10, orient=ORIENT_Y_90);

interior_fillet() Example 2



  • slot(h, l, r|d, [orient], [align|center]);
  • slot(h, p1, p2, r|d, [orient], [align|center]);
  • slot(h, l, r1|d1, r2|d2, [orient], [align|center]);
  • slot(h, p1, p2, r1|d1, r2|d2, [orient], [align|center]);

Description: Makes a linear slot with rounded ends, appropriate for bolts to slide along.

Argument What it does
p1 center of starting circle of slot.
p2 center of ending circle of slot.
l distance between center points of starting and ending circle.
h height of slot shape. (default: 10)
r radius of slot circle. (default: 5)
r1 bottom radius of slot cone.
r2 top radius of slot cone.
d diameter of slot circle.
d1 bottom diameter of slot cone.
d2 top diameter of slot cone.

Example 1: Between Two Points

slot([0,0,0], [50,50,0], r1=5, r2=10, h=5);

slot() Example 1

Example 2: By Length

slot(l=50, r1=5, r2=10, h=5);

slot() Example 2



  • arced_slot(h, r|d, sr|sd, [sa], [ea], [orient], [align|center], [$fn2]);
  • arced_slot(h, r|d, sr1|sd1, sr2|sd2, [sa], [ea], [orient], [align|center], [$fn2]);

Description: Makes an arced slot, appropriate for bolts to slide along.

Argument What it does
cp centerpoint of slot arc. (default: [0, 0, 0])
h height of slot arc shape. (default: 1.0)
r radius of slot arc. (default: 0.5)
d diameter of slot arc. (default: 1.0)
sr radius of slot channel. (default: 0.5)
sd diameter of slot channel. (default: 0.5)
sr1 bottom radius of slot channel cone. (use instead of sr)
sr2 top radius of slot channel cone. (use instead of sr)
sd1 bottom diameter of slot channel cone. (use instead of sd)
sd2 top diameter of slot channel cone. (use instead of sd)
sa starting angle. (Default: 0.0)
ea ending angle. (Default: 90.0)
orient Orientation of the arced slot. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Z.
align Alignment of the arced slot. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_CENTER.
center If true, centers vertically. If false, drops flush with XY plane. Overrides align.
$fn2 The $fn value to use on the small round endcaps. The major arcs are still based on $fn. Default: $fn

Example 1: Typical Arced Slot

arced_slot(d=60, h=5, sd=10, sa=60, ea=280);

arced_slot() Example 1

Example 2: Conical Arced Slot

arced_slot(r=60, h=5, sd1=10, sd2=15, sa=45, ea=180);

arced_slot() Example 2

7. Deprecations


DEPRECATED, use cuboid(p1,p2) instead.


  • cube2pt(p1,p2)

Description: Creates a cube between two points.

Argument What it does
p1 Coordinate point of one cube corner.
p2 Coordinate point of opposite cube corner.


DEPRECATED, use cuboid(..., align) instead.

Description: Makes a cube that is offset along the given vector by half the cube's size. For example, if v=[-1,1,0], the cube's front right edge will be centered at the origin.

Argument What it does
size size of cube.
v vector to offset along.


DEPRECATED, use cuboid(..., chamfer, edges, trimcorners) instead.

Description: Makes a cube with chamfered edges.

Argument What it does
size Size of cube [X,Y,Z]. (Default: [1,1,1])
chamfer Chamfer inset along axis. (Default: 0.25)
chamfaxes Array [X,Y,Z] of boolean values to specify which axis edges should be chamfered.
chamfcorners Boolean to specify if corners should be flat chamferred.


DEPRECATED, use cuboid(..., fillet, edges) instead.

Description: Makes a cube with rounded (filletted) vertical edges. The r size will be limited to a maximum of half the length of the shortest XY side.

Argument What it does
size Size of cube [X,Y,Z]. (Default: [1,1,1])
r Radius of edge/corner rounding. (Default: 0.25)
center If true, object will be centered. If false, sits on top of XY plane.


DEPRECATED, use cuboid(..., fillet) instead.

Description: Makes a cube with rounded (filletted) edges and corners. The r size will be limited to a maximum of half the length of the shortest cube side.

Argument What it does
size Size of cube [X,Y,Z]. (Default: [1,1,1])
r Radius of edge/corner rounding. (Default: 0.25)
center If true, object will be centered. If false, sits on top of XY plane.


DEPRECATED, use prismoid() instead.


  • trapezoid(size1, size2, h, [shift], [orient], [align|center]);

Description: Creates a rectangular prismoid shape.

Argument What it does
size1 [width, length] of the axis-negative end of the prism.
size2 [width, length] of the axis-positive end of the prism.
h Height of the prism.
shift [x, y] amount to shift the center of the top with respect to the center of the bottom.
orient Orientation of the prismoid. Use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad. Default: ORIENT_Z.
align Alignment of the prismoid by the axis-negative (size1) end. Use the V_ constants from constants.scad. Default: V_UP
center If given, overrides align. A true value sets align=V_CENTER, false sets align=V_UP.


DEPRECATED, use cyl(, r2=0, $fn=N) instead.


  • pyramid(n, h, l|r|d, [circum]);

Description: Creates a pyramidal prism with a given number of sides.

Argument What it does
n number of pyramid sides.
h height of the pyramid.
l length of one side of the pyramid. (optional)
r radius of the base of the pyramid. (optional)
d diameter of the base of the pyramid. (optional)
circum base circumscribes the circle of the given radius or diam.


DEPRECATED, use cyl(..., $fn=N) instead.


  • prism(n, h, l|r|d, [circum]);

Description: Creates a vertical prism with a given number of sides.

Argument What it does
n number of sides.
h height of the prism.
l length of one side of the prism. (optional)
r radius of the prism. (optional)
d diameter of the prism. (optional)
circum prism circumscribes the circle of the given radius or diam.


DEPRECATED, use cyl(..., chamfer) instead.


  • chamferred_cylinder(h, r|d, chamfer|chamfedge, [top], [bottom], [center])

Description: Creates a cylinder with chamferred (bevelled) edges.

Argument What it does
h height of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
r radius of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
d diameter of cylinder. (use instead of r)
chamfer radial inset of the edge chamfer. (Default: 0.25)
chamfedge length of the chamfer edge. (Use instead of chamfer)
top boolean. If true, chamfer the top edges. (Default: True)
bottom boolean. If true, chamfer the bottom edges. (Default: True)
center boolean. If true, cylinder is centered. (Default: false)


DEPRECATED, use cyl(..., chamfer) instead.


  • chamf_cyl(h, r|d, chamfer|chamfedge, [top], [bottom], [center])

Description: Creates a cylinder with chamferred (bevelled) edges. Basically a shortcut of chamferred_cylinder()

Argument What it does
h height of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
r radius of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
d diameter of cylinder. (use instead of r)
chamfer radial inset of the edge chamfer. (Default: 0.25)
chamfedge length of the chamfer edge. (Use instead of chamfer)
top boolean. If true, chamfer the top edges. (Default: True)
bottom boolean. If true, chamfer the bottom edges. (Default: True)
center boolean. If true, cylinder is centered. (Default: false)


DEPRECATED, use cyl(..., fillet) instead.


  • filleted_cylinder(h, r|d, fillet, [center]);

Description: Creates a cylinder with filletted (rounded) ends.

Argument What it does
h height of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
r radius of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
d diameter of cylinder. (Use instead of r)
fillet radius of the edge filleting. (Default: 0.25)
center boolean. If true, cylinder is centered. (Default: false)


DEPRECATED, use cyl(..., fillet) instead.


  • rcylinder(h, r|d, fillet, [center]);

Description: Creates a cylinder with filletted (rounded) ends. Basically a shortcut for filleted_cylinder().

Argument What it does
h height of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
r radius of cylinder. (Default: 1.0)
d diameter of cylinder. (Use instead of r)
fillet radius of the edge filleting. (Default: 0.25)
center boolean. If true, cylinder is centered. (Default: false)


DEPRECATED, use thinning_triangle(..., diagonly=true) instead.


  • thinning_brace(h, l, thick, [ang], [strut], [wall], [center])

Description: Makes a triangular wall which thins to a smaller width in the center, with angled supports to prevent critical overhangs. Basically an alias of thinning_triangle(), with diagonly=true.

Argument What it does
h height of wall.
l length of wall.
thick thickness of wall.
ang maximum overhang angle of diagonal brace.
strut the width of the diagonal brace.
wall the thickness of the thinned portion of the wall.