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12. 9th Aug. 2023 (Wednesday)

Jasmeen Kaur edited this page Aug 18, 2023 · 11 revisions

9th Aug. 2023 (12:00-13:00)

Meeting notes

Date: 9th Aug 2023, Wednesday

Target audience: ACCESS-Hive dev team


  • Update on new Hive logo and icons/images?
  • When and how to deploy the development branch as the main deployment on Github.
  • What is the best way to sort through feedback from external reviewers?
  • Consistency in linking to information in one place (e.g. linking from Run ACCESS-OM projects to join to Getting Started: Join relevant NCI projects)

Discussion Notes


  • Got the email to the external reviews working and survey sent and updates as per the latest suggestions.
  • The hive is aimed to be constantly developed along different releases.
  • Update the pr for the external reviewers and Davide suggested, we could look into the pr and avoid any breaking changes.
  • Any urgent things before the external review could be fixed soon.
  • And from the external reviewers, we are expecting to get the constructive feedback.


  • For the website, we have two figures explaining the user support images detailing the structure.
  • Suggestions from Kelsey -- Could we get the draft of the user support page that goes on the main page.
  • Natalia suggested that she would send the draft for user support model to the dev team for review.
  • We could perhaps dedicate the next week's meeting dedicated to the main website, and discussing the differences.
  • We can include the figures in the ACCESS-Hive website.
  • For the how to contribute section - for the Hive feedback and could have github issues or contributions, or the other option is to post on the hive forum.
  • For the working groups, we might need to think about making them highlighted on the home page.
  • Model evaluation is a part that needs design and polishing and all of the material has been detailed.
  • For the model evaluation, Kelsey suggested that we could probably condense and change the phrasing of the sections.
  • Kelsey might just be taking a look at the model evaluation docs review.
  • Checking the running of the tools by -- Jasmeen.
  • Events on the hive would be connected to the main website and with the hive, we can just point to that.
  • For the policies, fix any broken links and if the section is critical.
  • Fix the code of conduct website and whether it should be directly pointed to the main website.
  • Heidi suggested for the model components, we can have them alphabetically.
  • Kelsey suggested the hack could be make everything a two liners.
  • Finding data is not as intuitive to find on model evaluation. At this stage, we could perhaps go with the model evaluation and figure out how to navigate that.
  • Naming that to data is good from user's perspective and could be a bit tricky to explain as model evaluation does not mean the same thing for everyone.
  • The amazon account is the test account and we need to explore if it worths the cost there and we could have something to discuss about.
  • We need to have a workflow for the images and the overall release process of the hive website.


  • Have a copy of the feedback on the SharePoint from external reviewers.
  • Looking at different suggestions we could think about that.


  • Images needed for the hive have been sent to Natalia and all the images at the footer needs to be polished.
  • Davide suggested to have no background for the images which would be a bit easier to handle.
  • The designer mentioned the final version would be available by the end of this week.
  • For the extensions of the images, we might get all versions from Natalia.
  • Natalia would create a simple folder for the images and for now on SharePoint. In the future releases, we could use Amazon S3 for hosting the images.
  • Perhaps, just a few people could change the images on amazon S3 and Natalia suggested that we could do this after the workshop.
  • Once, we pass this big deadline, decide upon what to plan the things.

Action Items (To be added to Zenhub)

  • Add an issue for Jasmeen to check if the instructions can followed properly.
  • Fix the image of ACCESS-NRI header button at top-right.
  • Add an issue for Kelsey to review the model
  • Restructure the contribute section and the redesign the link of the top-right contribute.
  • Fix the policies page links on the hive page. One of the links was pointing to the hive page.
  • Model components page could be restructured to be 3 by 3 dimensions and in alphabetical order.
  • Brainstorm ways of letting users easily find of where to get the data - could perhaps call it Data and Model Evaluation on the home page.
  • Decide upon a process of hosting and updating the images on the hive page.
  • Plan the overall release workflow of the hive website.


  • Sven (online)
  • Kelsey
  • Heidi
  • Davide
  • Natalia
  • Jasmeen