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2. How to Contribute

Jasmeen Kaur edited this page Jul 28, 2023 · 5 revisions

How to Contribute [Draft]

  • Pull the latest version of development branch locally by using the following commands:

    Fetch the remote branches from github:

    git fetch

    On terminal, switch to the development branch locally using the command:

    git switch development

    Pull the latest changes from remote development branch locally:

    git pull

  • Once the latest version of development branch is pulled locally, use the following two commands to create the new branch and push it to github respectively:

    git checkout -b dev/jasmeen/legacy-release

    git push --set-upstream origin dev/jasmeen/legacy-release

  • Prefixing the branch name with dev/jasmeen might be used as an indicator that this needs to merged in the development branch of access-hive (staging branch deployed on, and not the main branch.

  • Work locally on the branch dev/jasmeen/legacy-release, and push the commits using the commands:

    git add .

    git commit -m "First commit"

    git push

  • While working locally on the branch, please make sure to regularly pull changes from remote development branch into your branch, using the command:

    git pull origin development

    This would make sure that the local branch dev/jasmeen/legacy-release is always in sync with the latest changes in the remote development branch.

  • Once the changes on the local branch dev/jasmeen/legacy-release is ready to be integrated with the development branch, create a pull request on github by changing the base to development. (Please find the below screenshot). This would create a pr on the development branch.

    Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 2 05 13 pm