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8. 14th Jul. 2023 (Friday)

Jasmeen Kaur edited this page Jul 20, 2023 · 40 revisions

14th Jul. 2023 (Friday)

Meeting notes

Date: 14th July 2023, Friday

Target audience: ACCESS-Hive dev team


  • HOME page subsection #422
  • Community resources subsection #425
  • Working groups #424
  • Quick workthrough MED (Sven)
  • Things that should be moved to the main website and suggestions for images to go on Acknowledgement and Home page (Natalia)
  • Revise introduction and other texts (Davide)
  • Issue #420 what’s to come (Sven)
  • Discuss which issues need to be prioritised (high priority mark on zenhub).
  • What the user support page is gonna look like. User support should be on the same level on the hive and perhaps, it should not be inside the hive -- natalia.
  • As the hive is the documentation place and forum is for discussion and we should not have user support on hive.

Discussion Notes


  • Do we want to keep the navigation on the home page. One solution would be to render them as cards, not necessarily as important as the other cards.
  • If we remove the community forum tab to some other place, we can include the about section in that place afterwards.
  • After creating the about tab, we can discuss on what to include in that section.
  • Contact should be included in the about page.
  • The user support is to be discussed of how to go on the main website.
  • Natalia suggested there should be a drop down menu linking where to ask for help.
  • Have the user support on the home page and should be prominent on the home page.
  • We could possibly include the user support card with the how to contribute card somewhere on the home page to be more prominent.
  • Hive is the documentation the ACCESS-NRI is contributing to the community, and providing help to users for running their models.
  • Training will go into the hive section.
  • Hive forum is considered as any other forum or similar to StackOverflow forum. The idea is someone from the community to help with what we are working on.
  • ACCESS-NRI is not providing a help-desk functionality and you ask questions from the community.
  • Have a clear representation and link to the hive forum from the hive website.
  • For the contribution part, we perhaps can create a separate page and if you have any suggestions, please indicate it on github.
  • Have a template on the contribute page and you have the issue open with the template.
  • Davide suggested we could possibly not have a navigation for the how to contribute page -- subject to discussion from the bigger team.
  • There is no navigation for the how to contribute page.
  • All the rest of things code of conduct, policies, and license could go in the about tab.
  • Perhaps, hide the table of contents on the left and right from the home page.
  • We might not need to have the images for the support and how to contribute buttons at all, might need to experiment with a little bit.
  • Once we all agree, and the button could be more bigger and we could style it the way we want.
  • Sven suggested a prototype in tweak home page issue - #422.
  • We could remove the About section containing the warning of documentation of home page.
  • Remove the Contribute to ACCESS-Hive section as we have a button at the top in the prototype.
  • Davide suggested it is important to put something about ACCESS-NRI on the hive page, or may be need a discussion.
  • Sven suggested, we could have a message there under the heading that this hive is Hosted by ACCESS-NRI. It could be put just at the bottom of the main title, or besides the welcome to access-hive heading.
  • Subject to change the acknowledgement images.
  • We could have images of models replaced with the icons suggested by the designer -- Natalia suggested some in the meeting.
  • The images suggested by Natalia were made in Canva, and might just make them which are more related to climate modelling.
  • These images are very easy to include in the code, but we might have to choose the right images.
  • First week of the hive release, would be asking for feedback. Second week would be addressing the issues on the hive page.
  • If someone has an image that is really good for the website, we could suggest it in the github.


  • Glossaries could be included in the about section too.
  • ACCESS-NRI glossaries is planned to put on the ACCESS-NRI website and the hive is currently linking to it.
  • Glossaries should perhaps not be at the top and could be a little bit down.
  • Davide suggested we could have a catchy phrase of finding the glossary - like - lost about a word etc.
  • Davide suggested that get started should be a separate tab at the top.
  • Might get just some inspirations from other websites about the final design UI.
  • For the news and events page, should link to the main ACCESS-NRI page to the hive page.
  • If someone wants to host an event, then they can contact us for doing that on the hive. Add "Do you have event to share, please contact us..." on the events page on the hive.
  • Training could possibly be removed from the hive page. Could be added in the future once prepared. Or Sven suggested to have at least a placeholder for training that we are advertising.
  • MED team has created a new layout consisting of 4 main tabs - getting started, observational data, model data, evaluation tools...


  • Working groups are really important, and user could become part of them and we need to decide a place for putting the working groups on the hive.
  • For now, might just leave them under the community resources, but most likely be changed in the future.
  • Clarify the definition of the community resources - an existing issue on zenhub.


  • High priority are the ones which need to be done before the release of the new hive to the users.

Action Items

Add or link all the above items to zenhub.


  • Sven
  • Davide (online)
  • Natalia (online)
  • Jasmeen