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Graph Observation

gwbres edited this page Mar 3, 2024 · 4 revisions

OBS RINEX visualizations

When GNSS observations have been lodaed, you can request their visualization with -o,--obs.

These files have tendency to be quite heavy, for demonstration purposes we will focus only a few SV:

rinex-cli \
    -P G05,G15,G08 \ # reduce data quantity
    -f test_resources/CRNX/V3/ESBC00DNK_R_20201770000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz -g -o

When observable visualization is requested, all contained observations will be depicted.
In this example, Doppler shifts and received SSI are some of the available measurements:

If you applied a filter condition like -P L1C to retain only a specific observable, only this one is to be depicted. In our previous examples, we obtained all observables but only from 3 vehicles.

Note that observable visualization also applies to Meteo sensors:

Differential Code Bias (DCB)

Once OBS RINEX is loaded, we can also request DCB visualization, with --dcb:

rinex-cli \
    -P G05,G15,G08 \ # reduce data quantity
    -f test_resources/CRNX/V3/ESBC00DNK_R_20201770000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz -g --dcb

DCB is rendered in a dedicated plot:

Code Multi Path Bias (MP)

Once OBS RINEX is loaded, we can also request code Multipath (MP) bias visualization, with --mp:

rinex-cli \
    -P G05,G15,G08 \ # reduce data quantity
    -f test_resources/CRNX/V3/ESBC00DNK_R_20201770000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz -g --mp

Code MP bias is rendered in a dedicated plot:

GNSS signal combinations


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